ACOLYTES- The Acolyte Guild is an honorable and spiritually fulfilling organization for our young men and women. These select individuals serve diligently at the altar; assisting the Rector, Clergy and Parishioners. They also assume leadership roles in both school and extracurricular activities. These young men and women will further advance in their studies and community involvement, with continual guidance.

AFRICA CLUB- The Africa Club was founded 1988 by a group of 40 travelers who visited five countries on the continent of Africa. Their fundraising activities have allowed them to donate to various charities. Membership is open to all.
Mission- To promote African cultural awareness and cultivate a spirit of oneness among persons of African descent.


ALTAR GUILD- The Altar Guild Prepares the altar and decorates the sanctuary for all services of worship, cares for the priests’ vestments and has general oversight of the proper cleaning of the church.

BOY SCOUT TROOP 309 Troop 309 is a non-sectarian community-based organization for young men between the ages of 11 to 18. The object is to encourage and develop citizen qualities that focus on duty to God, country, others, self and to encourage the sense of self respect among the members of the troop. Scouting strengthen academics, instils positive values and builds character.

St. Mark’s Chapter, S-2752,is very active in the life of the church, the Brooklyn Assembly, and the National Assembly. Through their disciplines, members make continuous efforts to bring others nearer to Christ; to attain a better understanding of how to follow Christ; and pray daily for the spread of Christ’s kingdom in the world. The chapter sponsors the Annual Father’s Day Corporate Communion and Breakfast and presents two scholarship awards to a male and female graduating student from St. Mark’ s Day School. Members participate in several activities that support the church and community including an outreach program to provide phone calls and home visits to the sick and shut-in.Membership is open to all men (youths and adults) of the church. Women are also welcome to join as Associates to the organization.
Bible Study Meetings- Every 2nd and 3rdSunday of each month.

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION / SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM- The role of the Sunday School program is to provide a base to enhance worship while pointing its members toward the Christian hope. Striving to teach ageappropriate lessons regarding God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit that our young students can applyto their daily lifeSunday School students and teachers participate in various church activities like the Christmas Pageant, arts and craft sales, Steel Pan Music ministry andparticipating as readers in Corporate Worship.Sunday School is a member of the Youth Council.
Registration-Functions on an academic year calendar from the end of September to the beginning of June.
Corporate Worship- The 3rd Sunday of every month.

CURSILLO (ECM)- An opportunity to grow in faith and spirituality. A deeper understanding of the teachings of Jesus and how we can serve Him.

DAUGHTERS OF THE KING- The Order of the Daughters of the King, St. Mark’s Chapter was chartered on September 26, 1999 and is organized as a religious order. Each daughter takes a lifetime vow to live by the Rule of the Order which requires a spiritual discipline of daily prayer, service and evangelism.

ENRICHMENT PROGRAM- The Enrichment program is an outreach effort of our parish to expose the children to experiences that will widen their horizons and expand their resources through arts and crafts, chess, music, dance, drama, stepping, basketball drumming, discussion groups, and trips. It is intended tosupplement the children’s academic growth by providing them with cultural, educational and recreational experiences that will enable them to be better citizens and sound individuals. The program strengthens their social development and fosters group dynamics and a broader view of the world. The children range in ages from 5 to12 years.
Registration- September and October.

EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOMEN (ECW)- The Episcopal Church Women is a group that embraces women of all ages, ethnic origins and socioeconomic background in the Episcopal Church. The common denominator of our members is the love for God and the wish to do His work. As an organization, the ECW functions at four levels: National, Providence, Diocese, and Parish.
Mission- Centered in the congregations, the ECW empowers women to do Christ ministry in the world.

EUCHARIST MINISTER’S GUILD- The organization exists to encourage and assist Eucharistic ministers to function better as Christians, readers, pastoral assistants and chalice administrators.

THE FELLOWSHIP GUILD- An organization that fosters prayer, unity and fellowship among the members.

FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM- The program distributes thousands of bags of food to the community and to The Walter Edwards’ Residence.
Food Distribution schedule: Monday: 5PM to 7:30PM
Closed on federal holidays(except Martin Luther King Day) on the fifth Monday of the month and on Easter Monday.

GOLDEN AGE CLUB- the Golden Age Club was formed in March 1989 to provide the opportunity for its members, 55 years and older to meet and engage in spiritual, cultural and intergenerational committees.


HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE- The Hospitality Committee provides and hosts hospitality to member and visitors after each service.

LAY READERSEUCHARISTIC MINISTERS GUILD – Lay Readers and Lay Eucharistic Ministers are licensed by the Bishop of the Diocese to serve in a Parish on the recommendation of the Rector. Here at St. Mark’s, Lay ReadersEucharistic Ministersread the Lessons and the Prayers of the People at all services. Lay Eucharistic Ministers andadminister the chalice at the Eucharist. They also take the consecrated element to the sick and shut-ins each Sunday.

MOTHER’S UNION- The Mothers’ Union is a world-wide society whose objectives are to uphold Christ’s teaching; encourage parents to rear their children in the faith; maintain the fellowship of Christians united in prayer, worship and service; and help those families with adversity. They visit the sick and shut in, provide outreach to Family Shelters and award scholarships to high school graduates.

i) CHOIR- The Choir is responsible for the music of the church led by the music director. On festival days the music director arranges for the choir to be accompanied by brass and/or strings.
ii) STEEL PAN OCHESTRA- St Marks Steel Orchestra made its official debut on September 13, 2013 after many years of planning and generous donations from friends and supporters of the music ministry. Its mission is to glorify God through a unique ministry of praise and worship, which we hope will draw people to a new and deeper relationship with God. The steel pan orchestra has a children’s class, beginners level class and an advance level class.

RECTORS GUILD- The Rectors Guild was formed in 1961 and functioned as a welcoming organization to assist newly appointed clergy. When called upon, the Guild continues to support the Rector in carrying out the objectives of the parish in any way possible.

SPECIAL EVENTS COMMITTEE- The Special Events Committee sponsors the annual Anniversary Dance of the church among other events.Members, friends and well-wishers of the church look forward to these annual events to share in the fellowship and the social life of the Parish.

STEWARSHIP COMMITTEE- The Stewardship committee is a group whose responsibility is to maintain accurate stewardship records for the registered contributing members of the church.


ST LUKES GUILD- The St. Luke’s Guild is a group of health care givers whose purpose is to provide emergency medical assistance to individuals prior to the arrival of EMS services, health tips to the congregation, blood pressure screening, and visits to the sick and shut-in members of the congregation. The Guild sponsors a health fair and recommends the speakers for and participates in the annual St. Luke’s Day Service.

USHER GUILD- The Usher Board purpose is to greet and seat parishioners and visitors, collect the offerings, direct parishioners for communion, distribute the weekly bulletin, and assist in presenting the elements for Holy Eucharist.

VESTRY- The Vestry is the governing body of the Church of St. Mark. The Rector and 14 parishioners constitute the Vestry.

YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS- The Mission of these organizations is to provide the youth of the church a forum to express ideas; to encourage responsible participation in the life of the church; to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each member; and afford an ongoing connection with the mission and work of the faith community.